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S. M. Kulak, V. F. Novikov, D. D. Mitrofanov


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.6.006-014

Magnetoelastic demagnetization of the wall of a Propane gas cylinder undergoing tensile strains in two orthogonal directions under the influence of water pressure from the inside is studied. The magnetoelastic sensitivity of the anisotropic residual magnetization and the coercive force of a complexly loaded steel wall to elastic stresses is determined.

Keywords: stressed state of steel, magnetization, magnetoelastic demagnetization, magnetic stray field of residually magnetized steel


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10. Novikov V.F., Sorokina S.V., Kudryashov M.E., Zakharov V.A., and Ul’yanov A.I., The influence of biaxial elastic deformation on the coercive force and local remanent magnetization of construction steels. Russ. J. Nondestr. Test., 2010, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 520–526. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830910070065.

11. Kulak S.M., Novikov V.F., Probotyuk V.V., VatsenkovS. M., Fursov E.S. Magnetic Testing of Stressed State of Hydrotested Gas-Separator Wall. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2019, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 225–232. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830919030070.

12. Muzhitskii V.F., Popov B.E., and Bezlyud’ko G.Ya. Magnetic Measurements of Stressed-Strained States and Remaining Service Lives of Steel Structures in Hoisting Machines and Pressurized Vessels. Russ. J. Nondestr. Test., 2001, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 29–36.

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С. М. Кулак , В. Ф. Новиков, Д. Д. Митрофанов


Проведены исследования магнитоупругого размагничивания стенки газового баллона «Пропан», испытывающей деформации растяжения в двух ортогональных направлениях под действием давления воды изнутри. Определена магнитоупругая чувствительность анизотропной остаточной намагниченности и коэрцитивной силы сложнонагруженной стальной стенки к упругим напряжениям.

Ключевые слова: напряженное состояние стали, намагничивание, магнитоупругое размагничивание, магнитное поле рассеяния остаточно-намагниченной стали.


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2.  The effect of elastic de-formations on the magnetic properties of Chromium-Nickel steels / E. S. Gorkunov, E. I. Yakushenko, S. M. Zadvorkin, A. N. Mushnikov // Physics of Metals and Metallography. – 2015. – Vol. 116, no. 2. – P. 156–164. – DOI 10.7868/S0015323015020072.

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6.  Atherton D. L., Jiles D. C. Effects of stress on the magnetization of steel // IEEE Trans. Magn. – 1983. – Vol. 19, iss. 5. – P. 2021–2023. – DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.1983.1062784.

7.  Novikov V. F., Yatsenko T. A., Bakharev M. S. // Rus. J. Nondestr. Test. – 2001. – Vol. 37, no. 11. – P. 799–804 // Rus. J. Nondestr. Test. – 2002. – Vol. 38, no. 4. – P. 231–237.

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9.  Zakharov V. A., Ul'yanov A. I., Gorkunov E. S. Regularities of the change in the coercive force under biaxial asymmetric deformation of steel 3 // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 2010. – Vol. 46, no. 3. – P. 194–205. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830910030071.

10.  The influence of biaxial elastic deformation on the coercive force and local remanent magnetization of construction steels / V. F. Novikov, S. V. Sorokina, M. E. Kudryashov, V. A. Zakharov, and A. I. Ul’yanov // Russ. J. Nondestr. Test. – 2010. – Vol. 46, no. 7. – P. 520–526. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830910070065.

11.  Magnetic Testing of Stressed State of Hydrotested Gas-Separator Wall / S. M. Kulak, V. F. Novikov, V. V. Probotyuk, S. M. Vatsenkov, E. S. Fursov // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 2019. – Vol. 55, no. 3. – P. 225–232. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830919030070.

12.  Muzhitskii V. F., Popov B. E., and Bezlyud’ko G. Ya. Magnetic Measurements of Stressed-Strained States and Remaining Service Lives of Steel Structures in Hoisting Machines and Pressurized Vessels // Russ. J. Nondestr. Test. – 2001. – Vol. 37, no. 1. – P. 29–36.

13.  Zakharov V. A., Ul’yanov A. I., and Gorkunov E. S. Coercive Force of Ferromagnetic Steels under Biaxial Symmetric Tension of Materials // Rus. J. Nondestr. Test. – 2011. – Vol. 47, no. 6. – P. 359–368. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830911060106.

14.  On controlling stresses in a complexly loaded steel construction by magnetoelastic demagnetization / V. F. Novikov, V. P. Ustinov, A. V. Radchenko, K. R. Muratov, S. M. Kulak, S. V. Sorokina // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 2016. – Vol. 52, no. 6. – P. 357–361. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830916060073.

15.  Novikov V. F., Prilutskii V. V. The properties of stripe-shaped residual magnetization and the possibilities for its application for nondestructive testing // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 2014. – Vol. 50. – P. 396–401. – DOI: 10.1134/S1061830914070080.

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Библиографическая ссылка на статью

Kulak S. M., Novikov V. F., Mitrofanov D. D. Evaluation of Stresses in a Presurized Vessel by Magnetoelastic Demagnetization // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2019. - Iss. 6. - P. 6-14. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2019.6.006-014. -
URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2019-6/2019-6_272.html
(accessed: 22.10.2024).


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