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2015 Выпуск 1






E. S. Gorkunov


DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.1.006-040

This paper initiates a survey of original papers on various divisions of magnetic structural-phase analysis. A schematic “tree of magnetic structural-phase analysis” has been drawn up, which offers an insight into the state of the art and prospects in the application of magnetic techniques to evaluating the structural state, phase composition and physical-mechanical properties of rolled stock, heat-treated steel and cast-iron products, to the nondestructive testing of the depth and hardness of layers in face-hardened products; it also gives an idea of laboratory and in-situ procedures of performing a magnetic phase analysis. Considering that the survey is extensive, it is divided into several parts.

Keywords: Keywords: structure, phase composition, magnetic properties, hardness, heat treatment, magnetic characteristics, testing devices, attached electromagnets.


1.    Kryloff M. Balance electro-magnetique pour lessal des proprietes des asiers et des fers. Revur Metallurgie, 1905, no. 2, pp. 425–440.
2.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S. Magnitnye metody strukturnogo analiza i nerazrushayuschego kontrolya [Magnetic methods of structural analysis and nondestructive testing]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1993. 251 p. (In Russian).
3.    Scherbinin V.E., Gorkunov E.S. Magnitnyi control kachestva metallov [Magnetic testing of the quality of metals]. Ekaterinburg, UrO RAN Publ., 1996. 264 p. (In Russian).
4.    Gorkunov E.S., Ulyanov A.I. Magnitnye metody i pribory kontrolya kachestva izdelii poroshkovoi metallurgii [Magnetic methods and devices for testing the quality of powdered metal products]. Ekaterinburg, UrO RAN Publ., 1996. 204 p. (In Russian).
5.    Yensen T.D., Ziegler N.A. Magnetic properties of iron as affected by carbon, oxygen and grain-size. Trans. Amer. Soc. Met, 1935, vol. 23, pp. 556–557.
6.    Sizoo G.J. Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Korngröβe und magnetischen Eigenschaften bei reinem Eisen. Ztschr. Phys, 1928, Bd. l, ss. 557–561.
7.    Gutnov R.D., Sukhotin B.N., Sokol I.Ya. Proizvodstvo nizkouglerodistogo zheleza [Production of low-carbon iron]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1973, pp. 7–20. (In Russian).
8.    Litvinenko D.A., Matrosov J.I. Steel properties affected by controlled rolling. Stal, 1974, no. 10, pp. 931–936. (In Russian).
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10.    Kogan L.I., Kleiner I.M., Entin R.I. Peculiarities of austenite transformation in alloyed low-carbon steels. FMM, 1976, vol. 41, iss. 1, pp. 118–123. (In Russian).
11.    Oding I.A. Prochnost metallov [Strength of metals]. Moscow–Leningrad, ONTI MetP Publ., 1957, 565 p. (In Russian).
12.    Bernstein M.I. Struktura deformirovannykh splavov [The structure of deformed alloys]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1977, 430 p. (In Russian).
13.    Vister G.I., Dal V., Hengstenberg H. Effect of the conditions of rolling (in particular, the temperature at the end of rolling) on the mechanical properties of low-alloyed and low-carbon steels.Chiornye metally, 1962, no. 17, pp. 34–46. (In Russian).
14.    Kneller E. Ferromagnetismus. Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Pabl., 1962, 792 p.
15.    Lifshitz B.G. Fizicheskie svoistva metallov i splavov [The physical properties of metals and alloys]. Moscow, Mashgiz Publ., 1959, 368 p. (In Russian).
16.    Mel’gui M.A., Vostrikov A.A., Zborovskii A.A. Magnetic inspection of the mechanical properties of cold-rolled steel sheet. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1971, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 248–252.
17.    Bida G.V., Gorkunov E.S., Shevnin V.M. Magnitnyi control mekhanicheskikh svoistv prokata [Magnetic testing of the mechanical properties of rolled products]. Ekaterinburg, UrO RAN Publ., 2002, 251 p. (In Russian).
18.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S. Magnetic method of nondestructive testing of the structure condition and strength characteristics of heat-treated parts (review). The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1985, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 330–333.
19.    Gorkunov E.S. Magnetic structure and phase analysis of ferromagnetic steels and alloys. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1991, no. 4, pp.231–259.
20.    Morozova V.M., Mikheev M.N. Magnetic and electric properties of quenched and tempered carbon steels.Tr. IFM AN SSSR, 1965, iss. 24, pp. 26–35. (In Russian).
21.    Mikheev M.N., Zhukova P.N., Tomilov G.S. Magnetic electric properties of differently heat-treated alloyed steels. Tr. IFM AN SSSR,1954, iss. 15, pp. 90–102. (In Russian).
22.    Mikheev M.N., Somova V.M., Gorkunov E.S. Magnetic inspection for quality control of heat treatment of products made of structural steel grades 45 and 50. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1980, no. 7, pp. 495–500.
23.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S. Magnetic methods of testing the quenching and subsequent tempering of products made of low-allowed and structural steels. Tr. IFM AN SSSR, 1979, iss. 37, pp. 3–14. (In Russian).
24.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S., Somova V.M., Kut᾽kin A.B.  Interrelation of the magnetic and mechanical properties with the structural state of hardened and tempered products. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1982, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 725–732.
25.    Zhukova P.N., Mikheev M.N. Magnetic properties of differently heat-treated chromium-nickel-molybdenum steels. ZhTF, 1948, vol.18, iss.2, pp. 187–196. (In Russian)
26.    Kuznetsov I.A., Bagrov A.I., Radionova L.Kh., Somova V.M. Magnetic, electrical and me-chanical properties of steel 35SGM after hardening and tempering. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1978, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 609–614.
27.    Gorkunov E.S., Mikheev M.N., Dunaev F.N. Effects of heat treatment on the magnetic and electrical properties of 18KhNVA, 34KhN3M, and U9A steels. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1975, no. 3, pp. 368–373.
28.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S. Magnetic methods of monitoring Quality of heat treatment. Ninth world conference on non-destructive testing, Melbourne, 1979, 4A–10.
29.    Mikheev M.N., Somova V.M., Gorkunov E.S. Nondestructive magnetic quality-control me-thod for the heat treatment of steels 30KhN2MFA and 40Kh. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1979, no. 10, pp. 863–868.
30.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S. On possible causes of a difference in the magnetization re-versal processes occurring in weak and medium magnetic fields of heat-treated structural steels. FMM, 1981, vol. 51, iss. 4, pp. 749–755. (In Russian).
31.    Gorkunov E.S., Kostin V.N., Tartachnaya M.V., Glazistov A.G., SHalaev V.N. Magnetic inspection of products of steels 7Kh3, 9KhF, 50KhNM, U10A after low and medium tempering. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1990, no.1, pp. 65–70.
32.    Gorkunov E.S., Gavrilova L.D., Nichipuruk A.P. Magnetic and electromagnetic method for quality control of quenching and tempering and determination of retained austenite in 95Kh18 steel products. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1995, no. 12, pp. 897–905.
33.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S., Dunaev F.N. Nondestructive magnetic inspection of har-dened and tempered parts of low-alloy constructional and plain carbon steel. I. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1977, no. 6, pp. 613–617. 
34.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S., Dunaev F.N. Nondestructive magnetic inspection of har-dened and tempered parts of low-alloy constructional and plain carbon steel. II. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1977, no. 6, pp. 618–622. 
35.    Mikheev M.N., Tomilov G.S., Pomukhin M.F Magnetic testing of the quality of quenching and tempering of the parts of ball and roller bearings. Zavod. Lab., 1956, no. 5, pp. 549–555. (In Russian).
36.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S., Antonova A.V., Shirobokov M.I., Nikitin V.V. Differential measuring instrument of magnetic characteristics. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1982, no.12, pp. 982 – 984.
37.    Filippov A.V., Gorkunov E.S., Kuzminykh V.P. The Dimkh-2 magnetic characteristic diffe-rential gauge. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1990, no. 4, pp. 280–283.
38.    Gorkunov E.S., Surin G.V., Nichipuruk A.P. Using differential magnetic structuroscopes to test the quality of composite materials. Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov, 1992, no. 6, pp. 838–840. (In Russian).
39.    Gorkunov E.S., Somova V.M., Buldakova N.B. Resistance of the remanent magnetization state of steel subjected to various heat treatments to the effect of constant demagnetizing fields. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1986, vol. 22, iss. 9, pp. 586–594.
40.    Gorkunov E.S., Batukhtina I.N. Examination of the kinetics of magnetic properties in tem-pering structural steels with special reference to active inspection of their quality. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1987, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 177–182.
41.    Perkas M.D., Kardonskii V.M. Vysokoprochnye martensitostareyuschie stali [Maraging High-Strength Steels]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1970, 224 p. (In Russian).
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43.    Lifshits B.G., Kraposhin V.S. Linetskii Ya.L. Fizicheskie svoistva metallov i splavov [Physical Properties of Metals and Alloys]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1980, 318 p. (In Russian).
44.    Dekhtyar I.Ya., Polotnyak V.V., Gorbach B.G., etc Magnetic properties of aluminium- and titanium-alloyed iron-nickel alloys tempered at temperatures ranging within α→γ transformation. Metallofizika, 1984, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 65–69. (In Russian).
45.    Sokol I.Ya. Dvukhfaznye stali [Two-Phase Steels]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1974, 216 p. (In Russian).
46.    Gudremon E. Spetsialnye stali [Special Steels]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1966, vol. 1, 736 p. (In Russian).
47.    Zabilskii V.V., Gorkunov E.S., Ugarova N.I., Murakhovskii I.M. Examination of the possi-bilities of magnetic inspection of the susceptibility of a two-phase ferritic-austenitic steel to embrit-tlement. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1987, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 177–182.
48.    Hoshino A., Nakao K., Kanao M. Influence of austenite on toughness of two phase stainless steels. Trans. Nat.Res. Inst. Met., 1980, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 185–194.
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50.    Korshunov L.G., Makarov A.V., Osintseva A.L. Studying the wear resistance and structural transformations in the abrasive wear of laser-hardened steel U8. Trenie i iznos, 1988, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 52–59. (In Russian).
51.    Makarov A.V., Korshunov L.G., Osintseva A.L. The effect of tempering and frictional heat-ing on the wear resistance of laser-hardened steel U8. Trenie i iznos, 1991, vol.12, no. 5, pp. 870–878. (In Russian).
52.    Korshunov L.G., Makarov A.V., Chernenko N.L. The structural aspects of the wear resis-tance of martensitic steels. FMM, 1994, vol. 78, iss. 4, pp. 128–146.
53.    Gorkunov E.S., Somova V.M., Makarov A.V., Kogan L.Kh., Korshunov L.G. Magnetic and electromagnetic methods of evaluating the wear resistance of steel products. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1995, no. 6, pp. 427–432.
54.    Morozova V.M., Mikheev M.N., Pomortseva L.V. Magnetic and electrical properties of the 17KhN2, 20Kh3А, 17Kh3МА steels and the cemented layers on them. Defektoskopiya, 1966, no. 5, pp. 7–17. (In Russian).
55.    Mikheev M.N. A magnetic method for testing the thickness of quenched, cemented, nitroge-nized and decarburized layers on steel products. Izv. AN SSSR (OTN), 1943, no. 5–6, pp. 53–68. (In Russian).
56.    Kuznetsov I.A., Somova V.M., Skripova N.M. Magnetic, electrical and mechanical proper-ties of 12KhN3A steel and it’s case-hardened layers. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1974, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 464–468.
57.    Kuznetsov I.A., Somova V.M., Tzarkova T.P., Baschkirov Yu.P. Magnetic, electromagnetic, mechanical properties of steels 20KhGR, 20KhGNR and their cemented layers. In Book: Struktura I svoistva tverdykh tel. Sverdlovsk, UrGU Publ., 1973, vol. 1, pp. 164–184. (In Russian).
58.    Kuznetsov I.A., Skripova N.M. Magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties of 12KhN3A and 12Kh2N4A steels and of case-hardened layers on them. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1982, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 985–990.
59.    Kuznetsov I.A., Tsarkova T.P., Shepelev E.V. Electromagnetomechanical properties of cold-worked and heat-treated 11YuA steel. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1978, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 17–23.
60.    Mikheev M.N., Fridman L. A., Morozova V.M., Tabachnik V.P., Biba G.V., Gorkunov E.S., Chernova G.S. Using coercimeters with attached electromagnets to inspect massive steel objects. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1978, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 713–717.
61.    Mikheev M.N., Kuznetsov I.A., Tomilov G.S., Fillipov S.D. Magnetic testing of the depth of a hardened layer and the hardness of steel parts hardened by high-frequency currents. Trudy IFM AN SSSR. Sverdlovsk, 1959, vol. 21, pp. 205–208. (In Russian).
62.    Mikheev M.N., Morozova V.M., Tomilov G.S., etc. Magnetic testing of the depth of the ac-tive hardened layer of rolls in cold rolling. Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1956, no. 1, pp. 52–56. (In Russian).
63.    Mikheev M.N., Morozova V.M., Surin G.V., etc. Effects of coercive force and thickness of tested articles on the outputs of coercive force meters having an attached electromagnet. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1970, no. 5, pp. 575–577. 
64.    Gorkunov E.S., Ermolaev V.G., Lapidus B.M., Lyashenko N.A., Sterkhov V.G., Ulyanov A.I. Magnetic methods of checking the depth of the hardened layer of machine saw blades. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1981, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 878–881.
65.    Mikheev M.N., Gorkunov E.S., Vostrotina T.I. Inspecting the heat-treatment quality of higt-frequency induction-hardened parts. The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1976, no. 1, pp. 49–52.
66.    Aldicheva E.S., Valiev M.M., Kaganov Z.G., Kusimov S.T. Quality control of the case hardening of steel products made from steel 45. The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing, 1976, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 612–614.
67.    Gorkunov E.S., Lapidus B.M. Magnetic properties of double-layer ferromagnets as applied to testing the quality of surface-hardened products. In Book: Sb. Strukturno-fazovye prevrascheniya v metallakh: problemy prochnosti i plastichnosti. Sverdlovsk, UNTs AN SSSR Publ., 1987, pp. 103–110. (In Russian).
68.    Gorkunov E.S., Lapidus B.M. Elektromagnitnye metody i sredstva kontrolya kachestva po-verkhnostnogo uprochneniya stalnukh izdelii [Electromagnetic methods and devices for testing the quality of surface hardening of steel products]. Sverdlovsk, RISO UNTs AN SSSR Publ., 1986, p. 47. (In Russian).
69.    Gorkunov E.S., Lapidus B.M. Magnitnye metody kontrolya kachestva poverkhnostnogo uprochneniya stalnukh izdelii [Magnetic methods for testing the quality of surface hardening of steel products]. Sverdlovsk, RISO UNTs AN SSSR Publ., 1986, p. 56. (In Russian).
70.    Lapidus B.M., Gorkunov E.S., Voronov S.F. A magnetic method of determining the struc-tural state and thickness of hardened layers on steel components. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1992, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 593–597.
71.    Gorkunov E.S., Zakharov V.A. Coercimeters with magnetic attachments (Review). Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1995, no. 8, pp. 625–641.


Э. С. Горкунов


Настоящая статья открывает обзор оригинальных работ по различным разделам магнитного структурно-фазового анализа. Автором сформировано схематическое «дерево магнитного структурно-фазового анализа», которое позволяет получить представление о состоянии и перспективах использования магнитных методов для оценки структурного состояния, фазового состава, физико-механических свойств проката, термически обработанных стальных изделий; применения данных методов для неразрушающего контроля глубины и твердости слоёв поверхностно упрочненных изделий, а также о методах проведения магнитного фазового анализа в лабораторных и промышленных условиях. Ввиду большого объема работа разделена на несколько частей.

Ключевые слова: Ключевые слова: структура, фазовый состав, магнитные свойства, твердость, термическая обработка, магнитные характеристики, приборы контроля, приставные электромагниты.


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23. Михеев М. Н., Горкунов Э. С. Магнитные методы контроля закалки и последующего отпуска изделий из низколегированных конструкционных сталей // Тр. ИФМ АН СССР. – 1979. – Вып. 37. – С. 3–14.
24. Interrelation of the magnetic and mechanical properties with the structural state of hardened and tempered products / M. N. Mikheev, E. S. Gorkunov, V. M. Somova, A. B. Kut᾽kin // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1982. – Vol. 18, № 9. – P. 725–732.
25. Жукова П. Н., Михеев М. Н. Магнитные свойства хромоникельмолибденовых сталей после различной термической обработки // ЖТФ. – 1948. – Т. 18, вып. 2. – С. 187–196.
26. Magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties of steel 35SGM after hardening and tempering / I. A. Kuznetsov, A. I. Bagrov, L. Kh. Radionova, V. M. Somova // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1978. – Vol. 14, № 7. – P. 609–614.
27. Gorkunov E. S., Mikheev M. N., Dunaev F. N. Effects of heat treatment on the magnetic and electrical properties of 18KhNVA, 34KhN3M, and U9A steels // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1975. – № 3. – P. 368–373.
28. Mikheev M. N., Gorkunov E. S. Magnetic methods of monitoring Quality of heat treatment // Melbourne: Ninth world conference on non-destructive testing. – 1979. – 4A–10.
29. Mikheev M. N., Somova V. M., Gorkunov E. S. Nondestructive magnetic quality-control method for the heat treatment of steels 30KhN2MFA and 40Kh // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1979. – no. 10. – P. 863–868,
30. Михеев М. Н, Горкунов Э. С. О возможных причинах различия процессов перемагничивания в слабых и средних магнитных полях термически обработанных конструкционных сталей // ФММ. – 1981. – Т. 51, вып. 4. – С. 749–755.
31. Magnetic inspection of products of steels 7Kh3, 9KhF, 50KhNM, U10A after low and medium tempering / E. S. Gorkunov, V. N. Kostin, M. V. Tartachnaya, A. G. Glazistov, V. N. Shalaev // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1990. – no. 1. – P. 65–70.                                                                                     32. Gorkunov E. S., Gavrilova L. D., Nichipuruk A.P. Magnetic and electromagnetic method for quality control of quenching and tempering and determination of retained austenite in 95Kh18 steel products // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1995. – no. 12. – P. 897–905.
33. Mikheev M. N., Gorkunov E. S., Dunaev F. N. Nondestructive magnetic inspection of hardened and tempered parts of low-alloy constructional and plain carbon steel. I // The Soviet  of Nondestructive Testing. – 1977. – no. 6. – P. 613–617.
34. Mikheev M. N., Gorkunov E. S., Dunaev F. N. Nondestructive magnetic inspection of hardened and tempered parts of low-alloy constructional and plain carbon steel. II // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1977. – no. 6. – P. 618–622.
35. Магнитный контроль качества закалки и отпуска деталей шариковых и роликовых подшипников / М. Н. Михеев, Г. С. Томилов, М. Ф. Помухин и др. // Заводская лаборатория.
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36. Differential measuring instrument of magnetic characteristics / M. N. Mikheev, E. S. Gorkunov, A. V. Antonova, M. I. Shirobokov, V. V. Nikitin // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1982. – no.12. – P. 982 – 984.
37. Filippov A. V., Gorkunov E. S., Kuzminykh V. P. The Dimkh-2 magnetic characteristic differential gauge // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1990. – no. 4. – P. 280–283.
38. Использование дифференциальных магнитных структуроскопов для контроля качества композитных материалов / Э. С. Горкунов, Г. В. Сурин, А. П. Ничипурук, В. М. Сомова  // Механика композитных материалов. – 1992. – № 6. – C. 838–840.
39. Gorkunov E. S., Somova V. M., Buldakova N. B. Resistance of the remanent magnetization state of steel subjected to various heat treatments to the effect of constant demagnetizing fields // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1986. – no. 9. – P. 586–594.
40. Gorkunov E. S., Batukhtina I. N. Examination of the kinetics of magnetic properties in tempering structural steel with special reference to active inspection of their quality // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1987. – Vol. 23, no. 3. – P. 177–182.
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44. Магнитные свойства железоникелевых сплавов, легированных алюминием и титаном, после отпуска в интервале температур α→γ-превращения / И. Я. Дехтяр, В. В. Полотнюк, В. Г. Горбач и др. // Металлофизика. – 1984. – Т. 6, № 2. – C. 65–69.
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47. Examination of the possibilities of magnetic inspection of the susceptibility of a two-phase ferritic-austenitic steel to embrittlement / V. V. Zabilskii, E. S. Gorkunov, N. I. Ugarova, I. M. Murakhovskii // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1987. – Vol. 23,
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51. Макаров А. В., Коршунов Л. Г., Осинцева А. Л. Влияние отпуска и фрикционного нагрева на износостойкость стали У8, закаленной лазером // Трение и износ. – 1991. – Т. 12, № 5. – С. 870–878.                                                                                                                                                                                       52. Korshunov L. G., Makarov A. V., Chernenko N. L. Structural aspects of wear resistance of martensitic steels // The Physics of metals and metallography. – 1994. – Vol. 78, no. 4. – P. 442–453.
53. Magnetic and electromagnetic methods of evaluating the wear resistance of steel products / E. S. Gorkunov, V. M. Somova, A. V. Makarov, L. Kh. Kogan, L. G. Korshunov // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1995. – no. 6. – P. 427–432.
54. Морозова В. М., Михеев М. Н., Поморцева Л. В. Магнитные и электрические свойства сталей 17ХН2, 20Х3А, 17Х3МА и цементированных слоев на их основе // Дефектоскопия. – 1966. – № 5. – С. 7–17.
55. Михеев М. Н. Магнитный метод контроля толщины закаленных, цементированных, азотированных и обезуглероженных слоев на стальных изделиях // Изв. АН СССР (ОТН). – 1943. – № 5–6. – С. 53–68.
56. Kuznetsov I. A., Somova V. M., Skripova N. M. Magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties of 12KhN3A steel and it’s case-hardened layers // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1974. – Vol. 10, no. 4. – P. 464–468.
57. Магнитные, электрические, механические свойства сталей 20ХГР, 20ХГНР и их цементированных слоев / И. А. Кузнецов, В. М. Сомова, Т. П. Царькова, Ю. П. Башкиров // В кн.: Структура и свойства твердых тел. – Свердловск : УрГУ, 1973. –
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58. Kuznetsov I. A., Skripova N. M. Magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties of 12KhN3A and 12Kh2N4A steels and of case-hardened layers on them // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1982. – Vol. 18, no. 12. – P. 985–990.
59. Kuznetsov I. A., Tsarkova T. P., Shepelev E. V. Electromagnetomechanical properties of cold-worked and heat-treated 11YuA steel // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1978. – Vol. 14, no. 1. – P. 17–23.
60. Using coercimeters with attached electromagnets to inspect massive steel objects / M. N. Mikheev, L. A. Fridman, V. M. Morozova, V. P. Tabachnik, G. V. Biba, E. S. Gorkunov, G. S. Chernova // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1978. – Vol. 14, no. 8. – P. 713–717.
61. Магнитный контроль глубины закаленного слоя и твердости стальных деталей, закаливаемых токами высокой частоты / М. Н. Михеев, И. А. Кузнецов, Г. С. Томилов, С. Д. Филиппов // Труды ИФМ АН СССР. – Свердловск, 1959. – Вып. 21. – С. 205–208.
62. Магнитный контроль глубины активного закаленного слоя валков холодной прокатки / М. Н. Михеев, В. М. Морозова, Г. С. Томилов и др. // Заводская лаборатория. – 1956. – № 1. – С. 52–56.
63. Effects of coercive force and thickness of tested articles on the outputs of coercive force meters having an attached electromagnet / M. N. Mikheev, V. M. Morozova, G. V. Surin, et al. // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1970. – no. 5. – P. 575–577.
64. Magnetic methods of checking the depth of the hardened layer of machine saw blades / E. S. Gorkunov, V. G. Ermolaev, B. M. Lapidus, N. A. Lyashenko, V. G. Sterkhov, A. I. Ulyanov // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1981. – Vol. 17, no. 11. – P. 878–881.
65. Mikheev M. N., Gorkunov E. S., Vostrotina T. I. Inspecting the heat-treatment quality of higt-frequency induction-hardened parts // The Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1976. – no. 1. – P. 49–52.
66. Quality control of the case hardening of steel products made from steel 45 / E. S. Aldicheva, M. M. Valiev, Z. G. Kaganov, S. T. Kusimov // The Soviet journal of nondestructive testing. – 1976. – Vol. 12, no. 6. – P. 612–614.
67. Горкунов Э. С., Лапидус Б. М. Магнитные свойства двухслойных ферромагнетиков применительно к контролю качества поверхностно упрочненных изделий // Сб. Структурнофазовые превращения в металлах: проблемы прочности и пластичности. – Свердловск : УНЦ
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68. Горкунов Э. С., Лапидус Б. М. Электромагнитные методы и средства контроля качества поверхностного упрочнения стальных изделий. – Свердловск : РИСО УНЦ АН СССР, 1986. –47 с.
69. Горкунов Э. С., Лапидус Б. М. Магнитные методы контроля качества поверхностного упрочнения стальных изделий. – Свердловск : РИСО УНЦ АН СССР, 1986. – 56 с.
70. Lapidus B. M., Gorkunov E. S., Voronov S. F. A magnetic method of determining the structural state and thickness of hardened layers on steel components // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1992. – Vol. 74, № 6. – P. 593–597.
71. Gorkunov E. S., Zakharov V. A. Coercimeters with magnetic attachments (Review) // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. – 1995. – № 8. – P. 625–641.


Библиографическая ссылка на статью

Gorkunov E. S. Magnetic Structural-Phase Analysis as Applied to Diagnosing and Evaluating the Lifetime of Products and Structural Components. Part 1 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. - 2015. - Iss. 1. - P. 6-40. -
DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2015.1.006-040. -
URL: http://dream-journal.org/issues/2015-1/2015-1_19.html
(accessed: 10.03.2025).


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